沖縄タイムス「日中の学生 楽曲作り配信」10/4
張さんが歌詞を送ってくれたときは、感動しました。中国からは様々なコメントをいただいたので、「東西南北 果てない世界を 恐れず どこまで歩めるだろう」(日本語訳)という歌詞に、鳥肌が立ちました。信じることから生まれる世界もある、と、ぼくは思います。「風に乗って舞い また生まれ変わる 正しさも過ちも もう定かでない」という歌詞には、衝撃を受けました。このパートは、ぼくは歌ってはいけないと感じて、張さんに歌ってもらいました。
いんやく りお
On October 4th, the Okinawa Times introduced the music video for the Okinawan/Japanese/Chinese friendship song "Dear my friend across the sea". I am grateful for the great article.
The collaboration with a Chinese student was realized during the covid-19 crisis. When pandemic started, hate against Chinese and Asians became a problem. Each country has its own positions, claims, and issues, but hate solves nothing.
The situation made me want to make friends in China. After posting on the Chinese platform, I received a lot of replies from Chinese. There was also a scene where I was judged because of my attribute of being “a Japanese living in Okinawa who was born in Tokyo”. I think that although we cannot be free from our attributes, there are words that we can convey with our own attributes.
I was moved profoundly when Mr. Zhang sent me the lyrics. As I received various comments from China, so I got goosebumps when I read the lyrics, "The map shows us the vast extent of the world
How far do I have to go to be brave?". I believe that there is a world brought to us only when we trust our good nature. And I was shocked when I read the lyrics, "Taking off with the wind and being reborn anew. Right or wrong, can't tell anymore." I felt that I should not sing this part, so I asked Mr. Zhang to sing it.
When I live in Okinawa, I feel familiar with the world's news. When I was in elementary school, I saw Chinese traditional performing arts, Sichuan opera at a restaurant in Okinawa. I was surprised to see the performer changed his masks one after another. The owner of the restaurant let me sit in the front seat. And he said, "Don't just wait for politics. International exchange at the private level matters.''
I myself am very happy that I was able to make a small effort. There are many people who stand on the border of cultures in our society, I mean, immigrants, mixed roots people, people who love different cultures. I hope that by increasing the number of dialogue channels, people of all attributes will be able to live happily ever after.
I am grateful to my friends in China who gave me a heartfelt experience and to everyone who enjoyed the music video. Thank you very much.
Rio Inyaku