てぃーだブログ › いんやく りお ブログ › 2022年09月


「海的那边呦 〜遥かな友よ〜」MUSIC VIDEO

 日中合同作品「海的那边呦 〜遥かな友よ〜」が完成しました。 



 口説の「山川異域 風月同天」は、1300年以上前、日本の長屋王が遣唐使に託した漢詩の一節です。鑑真はこの言葉に心を動かされて、沖縄を経由して来日し、仏教を伝えました。


 いんやく りお

  A joint project with Chinese students「海的那边呦 〜遥かな友よ〜」"Dear my friend across the sea" has been released. Mr. Zhang Jianhui in Anhui provided the poem and the melody to my call to "sing friendship that transcends the sea", and Fujian Normal University's Minliu Eisa Drum Team kindly cooperated. Enjoy the video!

 During the Ryukyu Kingdom era, performing arts were also a tool for diplomacy. In Okinawa, there is an idea that blessing in advance invites a beautiful future. Thoughts become songs and cross the sea. I believe in the future that friendship opens.

 The first part of the chant lyric means "Even though we see different mountains and rivers, the winds and the moon are the same under Heaven". It is a passage entrusted to the envoy to Tang China by King Nagaya of Japan more than 1,300 years ago. Ganjin was moved by these words and came to Japan via Okinawa to preach Buddhism. 

 Whether in Japan, Okinawa or China, the moon is a symbol that reminds us of one's distant hometown and dear friends. I am grateful to be able to release this music video on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Thank you very much.

Rio Inyaku

 冲绳、安徽、福建学生联合制作「海的那边呦 〜遥かな友よ〜」已经发布。安徽张建辉为我号召“歌唱跨越大海的友谊”提供诗歌和旋律,福建师范大学闽琉太鼓队配合。欣赏视频!


 颂词前半句 “山川异域 风月同天”是1300多年前日本长屋王托付唐代使者的通道。鉴真被这些话感动,经冲绳来到日本,佛教宣讲。




Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 18:49Comments(0)国際イベントミュージックビデオ