

同期のみんなとは、対面ではほとんど会えなかったけれど、優しく接してもらい、ありがたかったです。卒業式の後は、謝恩会、送別会に参加しました。ぼくにとって初めての飲み会でした。ものすごく楽しかったです! 琉球芸能専攻のすばらしい仲間の一員になれて、幸せです。

いんやく りお

I graduated from Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts!
It was a four-year period in which many things happened. As soon as I enrolled the university, I had to begin to self-restraint due to the coronavirus pandemic. My student life was different than I had originally expected, but at the same time, I was blessed with many encounters that I had never imagined.
During my student life, I was greatly indebted to many teachers. First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Professor Masaya Yamauchi. It was a valuable experience to learn about the culture and spirit of Ryukyu/Okinawa.
Although I could hardly meet my classmates in person, I am grateful that they were so kind to me. After the graduation ceremony, I attended the thank-you party and farewell party. It was my first drinking party and so much fun! I'm very happy and honored to be a member of Ryukyuan Performing Arts major.
It was a four-year period in which many things happened. As soon as I enrolled the university, I had to begin to self-restraint due to the coronavirus pandemic. My student life was different than I had originally expected, but at the same time, I was blessed with many encounters that I had never imagined.
During my student life, I was greatly indebted to many teachers. First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Professor Masaya Yamauchi. It was a valuable experience to learn about the culture and spirit of Ryukyu/Okinawa.
Although I could hardly meet my classmates in person, I am grateful that they were so kind to me. After the graduation ceremony, I attended the thank-you party and farewell party. It was my first drinking party and so much fun! I'm very happy and honored to be a member of Ryukyuan Performing Arts major.
After graduation, I plan to continue my music career at my own pace while learning about management duties for the corporation my mother runs. Thank you for your continued support.
Rio Inyaku

Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 21:27│Comments(0)