辺野古と平和祈念公園 3/19, 3/20
4年前ジョージタウン大学のオンラインイベントに一緒に参加したSeanくんと、辺野古ゲート前で座り込みをしました。Seanくんは、オンラインで現場の様子をアメリカにつなぎ、アメリカの学生さんたちのvirtual sit-in もありました。




いんやく りお / Rio Inyaku
I did a sit-in in front of the Henoko gate with Sean, who got to know four years ago at an online event at Georgetown University. Sean shared the situation at the site with the US online, and there was also a virtual sit-in with American students.

It had been a long time since I last went to Henoko, and something I have never imagined that tears came to my eyes when I saw trucks entering the construction site one after another. Still, talking and singing with the people at the site gave me hope.

The next day, Sean and I went to pray at the Peace Memorial Park. The Cornerstone of Peace has the names of not only Okinawans, but also people from outside Okinawa, Taiwan, North and South Korea, the UK, and the US engraved on it. I remembered the words of Shin Buddhism, "Thou shalt not kill, and shalt not let others kill."

We went to the Himeyuri Peace Memorial Museum. Their peaceful school life was suddenly taken away by the war. Working at the army hospital was cruel, and they risked their lives to retreat to the south, and then suddenly received the order to disband in the middle of a fierce battlefield. There were photos of those who died. It was heartbreaking to know that some people don't even have photos left.

In Itoman, there are many memorial monuments, such as the Tower of Souls. There are those who were buried without knowing their names, those who have no descendants to pray for them, and bones that were returned to the earth without being buried. It's a very sad feeling.


I wanted Sean to see the beautiful parts of Okinawa, so we went to a 130-year-old Okinawa soba restaurant. There are bullet holes in the pillars, but it is survived the Battle of Okinawa. Their Okinawa soba was delicious, and the red roof tiles and shisa were very beautiful.

We visited Sefa Utaki. Since it was registered as a World Heritage Site, the number of tourists has increased, and Sangui, the sacred space has been closed to the public to protect the environment. I think it is important to protect places of prayer.

May Okinawa be peaceful.
May there be peace in Asia.
May there be peace in the world.
いんやく りお / Rio Inyaku
Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 13:51│Comments(0)