てぃーだブログ › いんやく りお ブログ › 2021年09月


朝鮮民謡「아리랑 ~Arirang~」MUSIC VIDEO

キラキラ English follows Japaneseキラキラ 


 日本に近い国の人たちはどんな音楽が好きなのだろうと探していて、アリランに出会いました。アリランには、多くの歌詞があります。ぼくのカバーでは、2番と3番の後半を、韓国語の歌詞をアレンジして、沖縄語で歌いました。3番は、もともと「絹のぼんぼりに灯りをともせ 都の主のお帰りだ」という韓国語の歌詞で、沖縄民謡の「赤田首里殿内」を思い出します。クリスマスのライトアップにも共通して、おもしろいです。


*動画の字幕機能を onにすると、日本語か英語の歌詞が表示されます。

いんやく りお

 I covered the Korean folk song "Arirang". I came across Arirang when I was researching what kind of music people in countries close to Japan like. When I heard Arirang by Song So-hee (송소희), I realized that it is wonderful to listen to a song that has been sung for a long time with people's feelings.

 Arirang has a lot of lyrics. In my cover, I arranged the second half of the 2nd and the second half of the 3rd verses from Korean lyrics and sang them in Okinawan. The 3rd verse originally says, "Light the silk lanterns, the Lord of the city is coming back," which reminds me of Okinawan folk song "Akata-sui-dunchi. It is interesting because it also has something in common with Christmas lights.

 While I was working on this project, I was grateful to receive materials from an expert in Korean culture, through a kind introduction. Thank you very much. I would be happy to have sessions with Korean people who like sanshin someday!

*If you turn on the subtitle function of the video, you will see the lyrics in English or in Japanese.

Rio Inyaku


Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 19:28Comments(0)ミュージックビデオ



 四川音楽学院の学生さんで、古箏の演奏家の李一鸣さんとコラボしました。中国の楽曲「溟山 Ming Shan」です。コラボ、ありがとう! いつか古箏の生演奏を聴いてみたいです。 いんやく りお

 我与四川音乐学院学生、古筝演奏家李一鸣合作。 这是一首中国音乐《溟山 Ming Shan》。谢谢你! 我很想有一天能听到古筝的现场表演。 印钥理生

  I collaborated with Mr. Lee Yiming, a student of Sichuan Music Academy and a performer of Guzheng. Chinese music "Ming Shan". Thank you! I'd like to hear a live performance of the Guzheng someday. 

Rio Inyaku

タグ :近況

Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 20:00Comments(0)近況