てぃーだブログ › いんやく りお ブログ › ミュージックビデオ



 中国のシンガーの刘凡鹭さんが、「海的那边哟」をカバーして下さいました! 自分の楽曲がカバーされたのは初めてだったので、とても嬉しいです。リリックビデオを作りました。ぜひご覧ください。


いんやく りお

 Chinese singer 刘凡鹭 (Liu Fanlu) has covered my song "海的那边哟 (Dear my friend across the sea)”. It was the first time my song was covered, so I am very happy. I made a lyric video. Please take a look!

 刘凡鹭 is based in Liaoning Province. I have interacted with people from Sichuan, Anhui, and Fujian so far. I am so happy to have my first connection with northerner in China! Thank you!

Rio Inyaku

 中国歌手刘凡鹭翻唱了我的歌《海的那边哟》。这是我的歌第一次被翻唱,所以我很高兴。我做了一个歌词视频 。 请看一下! 

 刘凡鹭居住在辽宁省。 到目前为止,我已经与四川、安徽和福建的人交往过。 很高兴第一次在网上认识北方人!



Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 18:40Comments(1)国際イベントミュージックビデオ


沖縄タイムス「日中の学生 楽曲作り配信」10/4




 張さんが歌詞を送ってくれたときは、感動しました。中国からは様々なコメントをいただいたので、「東西南北 果てない世界を 恐れず どこまで歩めるだろう」(日本語訳)という歌詞に、鳥肌が立ちました。信じることから生まれる世界もある、と、ぼくは思います。「風に乗って舞い また生まれ変わる 正しさも過ちも もう定かでない」という歌詞には、衝撃を受けました。このパートは、ぼくは歌ってはいけないと感じて、張さんに歌ってもらいました。




いんやく りお

 On October 4th, the Okinawa Times introduced the music video for the Okinawan/Japanese/Chinese friendship song "Dear my friend across the sea". I am grateful for the great article.

 The collaboration with a Chinese student was realized during the covid-19 crisis. When pandemic started, hate against Chinese and Asians became a problem. Each country has its own positions, claims, and issues, but hate solves nothing.

 The situation made me want to make friends in China. After posting on the Chinese platform, I received a lot of replies from Chinese. There was also a scene where I was judged because of my attribute of being “a Japanese living in Okinawa who was born in Tokyo”. I think that although we cannot be free from our attributes, there are words that we can convey with our own attributes.

 I was moved profoundly when Mr. Zhang sent me the lyrics. As I received various comments from China, so I got goosebumps when I read the lyrics, "The map shows us the vast extent of the world
How far do I have to go to be brave?". I believe that there is a world brought to us only when we trust our good nature. And I was shocked when I read the lyrics, "Taking off with the wind and being reborn anew. Right or wrong, can't tell anymore."  I felt that I should not sing this part, so I asked Mr. Zhang to sing it.

 When I live in Okinawa, I feel familiar with the world's news. When I was in elementary school, I saw Chinese traditional performing arts, Sichuan opera at a restaurant in Okinawa. I was surprised to see the performer changed his masks one after another. The owner of the restaurant let me sit in the front seat. And he said, "Don't just wait for politics. International exchange at the private level matters.''

 I myself am very happy that I was able to make a small effort. There are many people who stand on the border of cultures in our society, I mean, immigrants, mixed roots people, people who love different cultures. I hope that by increasing the number of dialogue channels, people of all attributes will be able to live happily ever after.

 I am grateful to my friends in China who gave me a heartfelt experience and to everyone who enjoyed the music video. Thank you very much.

Rio Inyaku

Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 19:58Comments(0)国際イベントミュージックビデオ


「海的那边呦 〜遥かな友よ〜」MUSIC VIDEO

 日中合同作品「海的那边呦 〜遥かな友よ〜」が完成しました。 



 口説の「山川異域 風月同天」は、1300年以上前、日本の長屋王が遣唐使に託した漢詩の一節です。鑑真はこの言葉に心を動かされて、沖縄を経由して来日し、仏教を伝えました。


 いんやく りお

  A joint project with Chinese students「海的那边呦 〜遥かな友よ〜」"Dear my friend across the sea" has been released. Mr. Zhang Jianhui in Anhui provided the poem and the melody to my call to "sing friendship that transcends the sea", and Fujian Normal University's Minliu Eisa Drum Team kindly cooperated. Enjoy the video!

 During the Ryukyu Kingdom era, performing arts were also a tool for diplomacy. In Okinawa, there is an idea that blessing in advance invites a beautiful future. Thoughts become songs and cross the sea. I believe in the future that friendship opens.

 The first part of the chant lyric means "Even though we see different mountains and rivers, the winds and the moon are the same under Heaven". It is a passage entrusted to the envoy to Tang China by King Nagaya of Japan more than 1,300 years ago. Ganjin was moved by these words and came to Japan via Okinawa to preach Buddhism. 

 Whether in Japan, Okinawa or China, the moon is a symbol that reminds us of one's distant hometown and dear friends. I am grateful to be able to release this music video on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Thank you very much.

Rio Inyaku

 冲绳、安徽、福建学生联合制作「海的那边呦 〜遥かな友よ〜」已经发布。安徽张建辉为我号召“歌唱跨越大海的友谊”提供诗歌和旋律,福建师范大学闽琉太鼓队配合。欣赏视频!


 颂词前半句 “山川异域 风月同天”是1300多年前日本长屋王托付唐代使者的通道。鉴真被这些话感动,经冲绳来到日本,佛教宣讲。




Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 18:49Comments(0)国際イベントミュージックビデオ



キラキラ English follows Japanese/有中文翻译キラキラ 



いんやく りお

 Music video "Eight Views of Ryukyu" was uploaded. The lyrics are by Xu Baoguang (徐葆光1671-1740), an official and a scholar in the Qing dynasty. In 1719, He visited Ryukyu Kingdom as a vice diplomatic envoy. Okinawa is a beautiful island. At that time, I think it was even more beautiful in the richer nature.
 In addition to covid-19, the war has even started. I would like to remember that there are people who stand on the border of any society.

Rio Inyaku

 音乐视频《琉球八景》已上传。作词者是清朝官员和学者徐葆光(1671-1740)。1719年,他作为副外交使节访问了琉球王国。冲绳是一个美丽的岛屿。 那时,我想,在更丰富的大自然中会更美。



Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 18:38Comments(0)ミュージックビデオ



キラキラ English follows Japanese/有中文翻译キラキラ 

 ミュージックビデオ「WORLD PEACE 口説」をアップロードしました。三線と胡弓のアコースティック・バージョン、本歌は「上り口説」です。



花ぬ しゅらさに 御万人ぬ
心 踊りてぃ 春ぬ風
共に 舞うらな 胡蝶

星ぬ 清らさよ 天河原
肝ぬ 清らさる 人々ぬ
夢ん光いん 夏ぬ空

涼風 やふぁやふぁ 秋 来りば
今日ぬ ゆかる日 まさる日に
命ぬ 御祝事 歌やびら

照ぃらち給りよ 若太陽
唐ぬ世から 大和ぬ世
アメリカー世から 琉球世

愛らしい花を眺めて 人々の心も軽やかに
春の風にのって 蝶々と踊りましょう
天の川では 星々が美しく輝き
夏の空には 心の美しい人たちの夢が光ります
涼しい風が吹く 秋になったら
今日のめでたい日に 生きる喜びを歌いましょう
冬至の太陽よ 照らしてください
沖縄は 明朝・清朝、日本、アメリカの影響を受けてきて
この先は 輝かしい未来に 向かいます
一緒に 世界平和に向かって 歩みましょう

いんやく りお

 Best wishes for the New Year!  I uploaded a new music video: an acoustic music with a sanshin and a kokyu.
I'm a little disappointed that I won't be able to go out again this year, but I will enjoy what I can do in this situation. I wish you all a very happy new yearピカピカ

“The Song of World Peace”

The beauty of flowers brightens our hearts
Let's dance in the spring breeze, butterflies

In the Milky Way, the beautiful stars are shining
In the summer sky, the dreams of beautiful hearts are also shining

In autumn, a pleasant breeze blows
On this happy day, let us sing the joy of life

Winter solstice sun, shine upon us
Influenced by Ming and Qing dynasties, Japan and the US
And now a bright future awaits the Ryukyu Islands
Let's create world peace together

Rio Inyaku

 新年好!  我上传了一个新的音乐视频。这是一首原声音乐,有三弦琴和胡琴。我有点失望,今年我不能再出去了。但我将享受在这种情况下我能做的事情。我祝愿大家在新的一年里非常快乐ピカピカ






印钥 理生


Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 12:37Comments(0)ミュージックビデオ


YouTube 公式アーティストチャンネルに認定されました

 YouTube 公式アーティストチャンネルに認定されました。いんやくりお YouTubeチャンネルに、公式アーティストマーク♪が付きました。公式チャンネルとしての機能は、これから順次、使えるようになるそうです。

 ミュージックビデオを見て下さっている世界中の皆さん、どうもありがとうございます。2nd CD(配信)の準備も進めています。これからもどうぞよろしくお願いします!

いんやく りお

  My YouTube channel has been certified as an official artist channel!

  Rio Inyaku YouTube channel now has an official artist mark♪ The function as an official channel will be available gradually.

  Thank you to everyone around the world who has been watching my music videos. I'm also preparing for my 2nd CD (distribution). Thank you very much for your continued support!

Rio Inyaku


タグ :近況

Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 09:49Comments(0)受賞/合格/認定近況ミュージックビデオ



キラキラ English follows Japanese/ Português abaixo/ Español abajoキラキラ 





いんやく りお

   I created a new piece out of respect for the Okinawans who immigrated overseas.
   The title "PACIFIC" has two meanings: "Pacific Ocean" and "bring peace". The lyrics are based on the ancient Okinawan wisdom of “celebrating in advance to bring about a better future”. I also experimented musically, taking in what I learned at Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts. When creating the music video, I visited places related to the history of immigrants, which gave me courage to live.

   As soon as I moved to Okinawa 10 years ago, I learned about the "Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival" and was very impressed. I think it is amazing that Okinawa is always trying to create something new by mixing various cultures.

   I hope that people all over the world will dance the creative eisa to this song! Hope many people enjoy my music!

Rio Inyaku

   Eu criei uma nova peça por respeito aos okinawanos que imigraram para o exterior.
   O título "PACIFIC" tem dois significados: "Oceano Pacífico" e "trazer paz". A letra é baseada na antiga sabedoria okinawana de "celebrar com antecedência para trazer um futuro melhor". Eu também experimentei musicalmente, absorvendo o que aprendi na Universidade de Artes da Província de Okinawa. Ao criar o vídeo musical, visitei lugares relacionados com a história dos imigrantes, o que me deu coragem para viver.

   Assim que me mudei para Okinawa há 10 anos, soube do "Festival Mundial de Uchinanchu" e fiquei muito impressionado. Acho incrível que Okinawa esteja sempre tentando criar algo novo, misturando várias culturas.
Espero que pessoas de todo o mundo dancem a eisa criativa a esta canção! 

   Espero que muitas pessoas apreciem minha música!

Rio Inyaku

   He creado una nueva pieza por respeto a los okinawenses que emigraron al extranjero.
   El título "PACIFIC" tiene dos significados: "Océano Pacífico" y "traer la paz". La letra se basa en la antigua sabiduría de Okinawa de "celebrar por adelantado para traer un futuro mejor". También experimenté musicalmente, absorbiendo lo que aprendí en la Universidad de Artes de la Prefectura de Okinawa. Al crear el vídeo musical, visité lugares relacionados con la historia de los inmigrantes, lo que me dio ánimos para vivir.

   En cuanto me mudé a Okinawa, hace 10 años, oí hablar del "Festival Mundial de Uchinanchu" y me impresionó mucho. Creo que es sorprendente que Okinawa siempre intente crear algo nuevo, mezclando varias culturas.
¡Espero que la gente de todo el mundo baile la eisa creativa con esta canción! 

   Espero que mucha gente aprecie mi música.

Rio Inyaku


Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 21:12Comments(0)ミュージックビデオ


朝鮮民謡「아리랑 ~Arirang~」MUSIC VIDEO

キラキラ English follows Japaneseキラキラ 


 日本に近い国の人たちはどんな音楽が好きなのだろうと探していて、アリランに出会いました。アリランには、多くの歌詞があります。ぼくのカバーでは、2番と3番の後半を、韓国語の歌詞をアレンジして、沖縄語で歌いました。3番は、もともと「絹のぼんぼりに灯りをともせ 都の主のお帰りだ」という韓国語の歌詞で、沖縄民謡の「赤田首里殿内」を思い出します。クリスマスのライトアップにも共通して、おもしろいです。


*動画の字幕機能を onにすると、日本語か英語の歌詞が表示されます。

いんやく りお

 I covered the Korean folk song "Arirang". I came across Arirang when I was researching what kind of music people in countries close to Japan like. When I heard Arirang by Song So-hee (송소희), I realized that it is wonderful to listen to a song that has been sung for a long time with people's feelings.

 Arirang has a lot of lyrics. In my cover, I arranged the second half of the 2nd and the second half of the 3rd verses from Korean lyrics and sang them in Okinawan. The 3rd verse originally says, "Light the silk lanterns, the Lord of the city is coming back," which reminds me of Okinawan folk song "Akata-sui-dunchi. It is interesting because it also has something in common with Christmas lights.

 While I was working on this project, I was grateful to receive materials from an expert in Korean culture, through a kind introduction. Thank you very much. I would be happy to have sessions with Korean people who like sanshin someday!

*If you turn on the subtitle function of the video, you will see the lyrics in English or in Japanese.

Rio Inyaku


Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 19:28Comments(0)ミュージックビデオ


「Garuda Ryukyu」MUSIC VIDEO

キラキラ English follows Japanese/L'italiano è sotto/有中文翻译キラキラ 
 インドネシアの創作エイサー団体 U-maku Eisa Shinka との合作で、ミュージックビデオ「Garuda Ryukyu」を創りました。ぜひご覧ください。U-maku Eisa Shinka のメンバーの情熱には、いつも驚かされるし、感動します。

 エイサーは、もとは村落での先祖供養の芸能です。現代では、交通機関も情報網も発達して、より広い地域を近所のように感じるようになりました。ぼくの考える 21世紀の創作エイサーは、「先人に喜んでもらえるモチーフを、地理的に大きな広がりの中で歌い踊る」スタイルです。

 ぼくは「ガルーダ琉球」に、東アジアを駆けめぐった古琉球の人々のイメージを重ねました。世界遺産のボロブドゥール遺跡には、琉球国と交易していた、マジャパヒト王国の船 "Spirit of Majapahit" のレリーフがあるそうです。

 日本ではお盆に先祖供養をしますが、今日はちょうど新暦のお盆と旧暦のお盆の中間に当たります。そしてインドネシアにとっては、独立記念日です。祝日にインドネシア語の歌詞を作ってくれた Hetiさん、どうもありがとう。この特別な日に動画をアップロードできて、とても嬉しいです。


 *YouTube の字幕機能を on にすると、各国語の字幕が付きます。

いんやく りお

   I uploaded a music video in collaboration with U-maku Eisa Shinka, an Indonesian eisa group. The passion of the members of U-maku Eisa Shinka never ceases to amaze and inspire me.

   Eisa is a performance art that was originally used to worship ancestors in villages. Nowadays, with the development of transportation and information networks, we feel as if we live in a wider area. My idea of a creative eisa for the 21st century is to sing and dance in a geographically larger area with a motif that would please our previous generations in an international sense.

   In "Garuda Ryukyu," I superimposed the image of the people of the ancient Ryukyu Islands who sailed around East Asia. In the Borobudur ruins, a World Heritage Site, there is a relief of the "Spirit of Majapahit," a ship of the Majapahit Kingdom that traded with the Ryukyu Kingdom.

   In Japan, we make offerings to our ancestors during the Obon Festival, and today is right in the middle of the Obon Festival of the solar calendar and the Obon Festival of the lunar calendar. And for Indonesia, it is Independence Day. Thank you very much, Heti, for writing the lyrics in Indonesian on this important holiday. I am very happy to be able to upload this video on this special day.

   I would also like to thank the Italian photographers for their help in making the video. Thank you very much. The performing arts have the power to transcend boundaries. I hope we can meet somewhere in the world someday. Thank you all!

 * If you turn on the subtitle function of YouTube, subtitles in various languages will be provided.

Rio Inyaku

   Questo è il mio ultimo post da adolescente! Ho caricato un video musicale in collaborazione con U-maku Eisa Shinka, un gruppo eisa indonesiano. La passione dei membri di U-maku Eisa Shinka non smette mai di stupirmi e ispirarmi.

   L'eisa è un'arte performativa che originariamente era usata per venerare gli antenati nei villaggi. Oggi, con lo sviluppo dei trasporti e delle reti informatiche, ci sembra di vivere in un'area più ampia. La mia idea di un eisa creativo per il 21° secolo è di cantare e danzare in un'area geograficamente più ampia con un motivo che possa piacere alle nostre generazioni precedenti in senso internazionale.

   In "Garuda Ryukyu", ho sovrapposto l'immagine del popolo delle antiche isole Ryukyu che navigava intorno all'Asia orientale. Nelle rovine di Borobudur, patrimonio dell'umanità, c'è un rilievo dello "Spirito di Majapahit", una nave del Regno Majapahit che commerciava con il Regno Ryukyu.

   In Giappone, facciamo offerte ai nostri antenati durante l'Obon Festival, e oggi è proprio nel mezzo dell'Obon Festival del calendario solare e dell'Obon Festival del calendario lunare. E per l'Indonesia è il giorno dell'indipendenza. Grazie mille, Heti, per aver scritto il testo in indonesiano in questa importante festività. Sono molto felice di poter caricare questo video in questo giorno speciale.

   Vorrei anche ringraziare i fotografi italiani per il loro aiuto nella realizzazione del video. Grazie mille. Le arti dello spettacolo hanno il potere di trascendere i confini. Spero che un giorno potremo incontrarci da qualche parte nel mondo. Grazie a tutti!

 * Se attivate la funzione dei sottotitoli di YouTube, verranno forniti i sottotitoli in varie lingue.

Rio Inyaku

  這是我作為青少年的最後一篇文章! 我上傳了一個與U-maku Eisa Shinka合作的音樂視頻,這是一個印度尼西亞的電子競技團體。 U-maku Eisa Shinka成員的熱情從未停止過,讓我感到驚奇和鼓舞。


 在《Garuda Ryukyu》中,我疊加了古琉球群島的人在東亞各地航行的形象。在世界文化遺產婆羅浮屠遺址中,有一幅 "馬加帕希特之魂 "的浮雕,這是馬加帕希特王國與琉球王國貿易的一艘船。



  * 如果你打開YouTube的字幕功能,將提供各種語言的字幕。

Rio Inyaku


Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 12:52Comments(0)国際イベントミュージックビデオ


「Starry Blue」MUSIC VIDEO

キラキラ English follows Japaneseキラキラ 
  ミュージックビデオ「Starry Blue」 アップロードしました!


 動画制作にあたってお世話になった、Munaguroforever さんと Kana Koa Weaver さんにお礼申し上げます。

 字幕機能を on にすると、デフォルトの言語で翻訳が表示されます。

いんやく りお

 New music video "Starry Blue" uploaded!

 This piece is dedicated to the sea, the forest, the creatures living there and to the stars. It has a completely different atmosphere from my previous pieces. I had to overcome some difficulties to produce it, so I'm relieved to be able to release it. I hope you enjoy it!

 I would like to thank Munaguroforever and Kana Koa Weaver for their support in making this video. 

 If you turn on the subtitle feature, the translation in your default language will be shown. 

Rio Inyaku


Posted by いんやく りお Rio Inyaku at 15:07Comments(0)ミュージックビデオ