第6回「アジア麺ロード」に出演しました。元総理大臣の鳩山友紀夫さんが、ぼくのライブを聴いてくださったのが、とても嬉しかったです。ぼくは、インドネシア、朝鮮半島、中国との交流をテーマに、「Garuda Ryukyu」「アリラン 沖縄語ver.」「海的那边哟〜遥かな友よ〜」を歌いました。
「海的那边哟〜遥かな友よ〜」に、ぼくは「山川 域を異にすれども 風月 天を同じうす」という口説を入れました。これはもともと、「山川異域 風月同天」という漢詩で、「住む場所は違っても、ぼくたちは同じ天の下にいる」という意味です。
鳩山さんは2020年、コロナ禍の武漢にマスクを寄贈して、「山川異域 風月同天」という色紙を贈りました。ぼくは楽曲を作ってから、
そのエピソード を知って、とても感動しました。鳩山さんは、ぼくに「今こそ中国と仲良くしなければならないよね」と、おっしゃいました。本当にその通りだと思います。鳩山さんに「山川異域 風月同天」の色紙をいただいて、ものすごく嬉しかったです!
いんやく りお (チュンジー広場/那覇市)
I appeared live at the 6th "Asian Noodles Road Festival". It is an event to deepen international understanding through food culture. I sang "Garuda Ryukyu", "Arirang Okinawan ver.", "Dear my friend across the sea", with the respect of friendship between Ryukyu , Indonesia, Korea and China.
I was very happy that former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama listened to my live performance. In my song "Dear my friend across the sea," which sings about the friendship between Okinawa, China, and Japan, I created the rap part which means "Even though we live in different countries, we are under the same sky and are illuminated by the same moon", based on an old Chinese poem.
In 2020, during the corona crisis, Mr. Hatoyama donated masks to Wuhan people and gave them a piece of colored paper in which he wrote that Chinese poem. After I wrote the rap part, I learned about that episode and was very moved. Mr. Hatoyama said to me, "Now is the time to get along with China." I deeply agree what he says. Mr. Hatoyama gave me the colored paper for that poem, and I really appreciate it!
The venue was "Chunzi Square" next to Fukushuen, where many Chinese people from Fujian lived during the Ryukyu Kingdom period. They introduced technology and culture to Ryukyu. It is said that the sanshin was born from the sanxian, which came from Fujian.
Living in Okinawa makes me think about the importance of peace. I think that it is important to come up with idea what we can do because of our position in Okinawa. One of my dreams is to connect American students and Chinese students with friendship through Okinawan culture. I hope I can do something to make my dream come true.
I would like to thank Mr. Chobin Zukeran, the chief of East Asian Community Institute and all the staff for giving me this wonderful opportunity.
Rio Inyaku