
いんやく りお Rio Inyaku

2021年08月20日 22:05









いんやく りお

   I've turned 20 years old. Thank you very much to everyone who sent me congratulatory messages. 

   Today was the first time I tasted a bit of old awamori, a gift for my thirteen-years-old celebration, with a sterling silver octagonal leg cup, a gift for coming of age.

   Today is the first day of the Bon Festival of the Lunar Calendar, so I lit a lantern at the Buddhist altar and offered some old awamori. I grew up under the protection of my late grandmother. I think my grandma is happy to see me from the other side. This year is also the first Obon for my late grandpa in Chiba and my dog Marron. In the past few years, I have experienced some people close to me passing to the other world. As I experience the parting of ways, I realize that Life continues beyond the boundaries of life and death.

   I was born with a disease, and I grew up with the support of many people. Just being alive is a miracle of happiness. There are so many people to whom I cannot express my gratitude in person, but I hope that my gratitude will reach them. I would like to continue to cherish my irreplaceable life and enjoy every moment of being alive.

   People say that when you turn 20, you have become an adult, but I don't really feel it. I feel that I am still the same person I was when I was born, and that my essence has not changed. I have a sense that is quite different from the majority, but I was blessed to have been raised in a way that valued my individuality. I am grateful to everyone who has been involved in my growth.

   Looking back, a lot has happened in the past twenty years. As a child, I was obsessed with talking about my pre-birth and the universe! I don't remember much of the details, but I do remember the feeling of the words coming out easily. My words were compiled into a book of poems and it was read by many people. Thanks to my book, I met many kind people. I think it's a kind of miracle, too.

   After the nuclear accident in 2011, I moved to Okinawa. When I heard the Ryukyu scale of the sanshin for the first time, it was like a thunderbolt struck me, and I felt that a new life had begun. As I lived in Okinawa, I came to understand the power of music and the direct connection between an individual's life and the state of society. When I watch the world news, I think about many things. I want the world to be a place where each individual's life and way of life is valued.

   Since I have stopped seeing people due to the pandemic, I have come to feel more deeply the importance of human connections. It is a miraculous thing to be able to connect heart to heart. In the end, I think I love human beings. When I envision a world where diverse bodies, sensitivities, languages, cultures, beliefs, and ideas coexist, I feel happy and think how beautiful it would be.

   I would like to sing about such a beautiful world with everyone in the world. Thank you for your continued support. May your days full of joy!

Rio Inyaku
